Thursday, September 16, 2010

Monkey Races, Bible study, and a puddle in the kitchen

I know it has been like 5 days since I have written on here and I appologize but things have been a little crazy!  With school getting back into the full swing of things, Misty and I being moved into the flat, and other random activities going on, I have been really busy.  But of course, those who know me, know that I wouldn't have it any other way!

Last night we had "Old Prep Supper" at the school and it was really neat!  This is basically a fancy baquet for the Seniors who attended St. Andrew's Prep when they were in Grades 1-7. There was a very nice dinner where I ate some type of seafood salad and some kind of lamb...both firsts for me!  In Africa it is considered rude to not eat what they give you, so I did.  It was actually really good too!  After dinner and all of the speeches are over everyone goes up into one of the dorms for the "monkey races."  They have moved all of the beds to the sides of the room and have the lines marked off on the about intense!  Basically the "Matrics" (Seniors in high school) do relay races against the Prep boys (Grades 4-7), the Stooges (college kids who live with the students), and some of the teachers.  They each have a 5 man team that each does forward crab crawl, backward crab crawl, monkey walk, walking, and running.  It was so exciting!  Everyone was standing on the beds and chairs in order to see while cheering! 

This experience definitely made me want to be a part of a school like St. Andrews!  Although sometimes I feel bad for the boys who are forced to live at school all of the time and not get to see their families very often, the environment is just like a family of its own.  It's almost like the school is its own little world and it's really nice!  This is something I have never experienced in America before that's for sure!  The teachers are so much more involved with one another, the students, and even the parents.  I'm not saying I'm moving to South Africa but I just really love the atmosphere here!

On Tuesday night I was invited to go with Zane (one of the teachers at school) to a Bible study and it was really nice!  There were 10 people of all ages and nationalities there including a missionary couple from the U.S. This was the first time that I have been to anything related to Jesus in a group in over a month and it was really encouraging!  They are going through the book of Romans, simply studying the scripture and sharing interpretations.  Hopefully I will be able to continue going becuase I really enjoyed it!

Tonight while cooking dinner, Misty and I discovered a puddle of water in the floor!  After a few minutes we determined that our sink and toilet were leaking water on to the kitchen floor every time we used either of them! To make a long (and quite funny) story short, we ended up washing our dishes with a pot in the bathroom while stepping over soaking wet towels laying in the floor!    It was pretty funny looking back.  Hopefully they will be able to fix it tomorrow so that we don't float away!

Side note - I have been adding to my "Safari Across South Africa" post slowly but surely so make sure you check it out!  You can just click on it on the right hand side of the page.

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